A deep tissue massage is just that, a massage that targets the deep connective tissues and muscles to help people with tight muscles or “knots” that cause pain. A deep tissue massage utilizes different massage techniques than other types of massage like a Swedish massage. Your massage therapist will begin by warming up your muscles with light pressure and familiar massage techniques.
Once your muscles are warmed and you are more relaxed, your massage therapist will begin to use specific deep tissue massage techniques called stripping. This involves using deep pressure and gliding along your muscle fibers while applying firm pressure with elbows, forearms, knuckles, or thumbs. Friction is also applied across the grain of your muscles which helps to release adhesions and realign tissue fibers.
What Benefits Does Deep Tissue Massage Provide?
Deep tissue massage can provide benefits to many ailments such as sports injuries, chronic pain, tight back, neck, and shoulder muscles. The massage therapists at The Woodhouse Day Spa in The Woodlands, TX, are trained and experienced in deep tissue massage techniques, offering relief to people suffering from various conditions such as:
Neck, shoulder, and back pain
Chronic muscle aches, pains, and tension
Osteoarthritis pain
Recovery from injuries (sports, whiplash, falls)
Breaking up scar tissue
Repetitive strain injuries (carpal tunnel)
High blood pressure
Limited mobility
Deep tissue massage focuses on alleviating discomfort and pain from these conditions and other types of connective tissue and muscle injuries, while improving circulation and promoting healing.
Deep Tissue Massage in The Woodlands
The Woodhouse Day Spa in The Woodlands, TX, offers a unique experience for our guests the minute you walk through our door. Our entire hospitality team and spa professionals are dedicated to providing you with a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. We incorporate touch with intent techniques in all types of massage therapy, a combination of science and art which focuses on healing and caring. All types of massage aim to enhance circulation, release tension, and contribute to your overall wellness.
The Woodhouse Day Spa in The Woodlands, Texas offers therapeutic deep tissue massage therapy along with several other types of massage with something for everyone. Make your reservation today for a relaxing massage, a rejuvenating facial or a pedicure to care for your body from head to toe. Contact us to schedule your reservation today and to learn more about the many benefits of deep tissue massage.
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