Microdermabrasion exfoliates the epidermis which allows the skin to repair itself with healthier, younger looking skin. The positive effects on your skin are usually immediately visible, appearing smoother and rejuvenated. As the epidermis produces new skin cells rapidly, they will appear fuller for more plump skin. Your outer skin layer will appear dry following the first 24 hours after the procedure but will quickly resolve as the newer cells absorb more moisture. With the visible, positive effects on the epidermis, you may not realize the many benefits on the second layer of skin, below the surface. The dermis receives many long-term benefits such as becoming thicker, healthier, and fuller. The Many Benefits of Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion provides many benefits to the visible, outer layer of skin and below the surface. Research suggests, as reported by the National Library of Medicine , that microdermabrasion increases collagen fibers and increased collagen density as one ...